Hama SIRIUM1000ABT vs Harman Kardon JBL LINK 500

Created on August 7, 2019

Below we find a useful comparison between Hama SIRIUM1000ABT and Harman Kardon JBL LINK 500. Hama SIRIUM1000ABT has a speaker power very close to that of Harman Kardon JBL LINK 500. The volume of the second product (Harman Kardon JBL LINK 500) is greater than that of the first. Hama SIRIUM1000ABT is certainly lighter than Harman Kardon JBL LINK 500. Hama SIRIUM1000ABT is cheaper than Harman Kardon JBL LINK 500. On Hama SIRIUM1000ABT runs Alexa and on Harman Kardon JBL LINK 500 runs Google Assistant. We provide here a summary designed for quick reading between Hama SIRIUM1000ABT and Harman Kardon JBL LINK 500. Published data is always indicative and may contain errors or be subject to change. Always check official sources.

Audio » Hi Fi » Smart Speaker

240.35 €


399.00 €

16 Watt


15 Watt x 4

142 mm x 272 mm x 214 mm


200 mm x 370 mm x 157 mm

2000 g


3500 g




MP3, AAC, WAV/PCM, Vorbis, Opus

Audio format

HE-AAC, LC-AAC, MP3, Vorbis, WAV (LPCM), Opus, FLAC with support for high-resolution streams (24-bit/96KHz)

Black, White


White, Black

Fire OS, Android, iOS


Android, iOS


Artificial Intelligence

Google Assistant